How to make a bracelet from threads

Today's fashion has brought back the time when woven bracelets were fashionable. Such gizmos have entered the trend today, with minor changes and updates in appearance and new techniques.

The charm of such a bracelet lies in the fact that it is quite easy to make it with your own hands, without any special material costs. And this allows you to have several, combine with each other or wear separately, choosing for certain clothes or occasion.

How to weave a bracelet for beginners

In order to get started, it is worth getting the necessary materials at hand:

  • Threads;
  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors, ruler, pair of compasses (can be replaced with anything that has a round base);
  • Something in the form of a music stand, in order to attach the product.

What thread to take

The most basic thing at the preparatory stage is to choose a quality material, that is, threads for the manufacture of the product. The appearance of the finished bracelet depends on what they consist of, how high-quality they are, how well stained.

In addition, when weaving baubles, several colors are used that form a specific pattern. It is important to choose those that are most harmoniously combined with each other.

If we talk about the material for the bracelet, then quality floss threads are best suited. They have a smooth structure, as they are made of mercerized cotton, woven into a uniform thread.

In addition, the mouline thread has just a huge color palette, which allows you to create just an unlimited number of patterns.

ATTENTION For beginners who are not confident in their abilities, you can take not a floss, but thicker threads or a tourniquet. You can choose the “Iris” threads, they have a hard texture and a ribbed surface, which will give the finished product a good appearance.

A simple string bracelet for beginners

The easiest way to create a bracelet in stages, which is suitable for beginners, is a simple pigtail made of several threads for knitting in different colors. The braid itself should be thick enough. Therefore, it is necessary to take several threads of floss (at least 10) of each color. Fasten one end to the knot. Attach to a hard, fixed surface with any clamp and weave a pigtail. Naturally, the weaving should not be too loose, otherwise the product will not keep its shape, but will creep all the time. But too tight weaving will adversely affect the appearance - the pigtail will twist.

After the braid is woven to the desired length, secure the edges of it. Cut off unnecessary edges, after tying knots.

Take the base under the bracelet. As it is possible to choose a metal rim, on one side of which there is a slot for putting on a hand. Apply hot melt adhesive to the outer surface and plant a braid on it.

Friendship Bracelet - manual, diagrams

Friendship bracelet is woven of two colors of thread. You need to attach the ends to the tablet, holding it with some kind of clip. Then gradually weave out the knots.

IMPORTANT For those who are just starting to weave, it is better to take 2 colors of threads, fold them in half and attach to the board.

For convenience, it is better to number the threads.

Take the threads symmetrically 1234-4321.

Next, thread 1 is placed on top of thread 2. Grasp thread 2 and tighten the knot. The right thread should be well stretched, while the left one forms a knot. Repeat the knot. Then continue in the same sequence, only shifting the threads to the middle.

After reaching the middle of the product, you need to stop and start weaving on the right.

Repeat everything in the same order, only in the opposite direction.

With this weaving, a two-color pattern is obtained that forms the corners.

There are many options for patterns. Each has its own scheme.

To complete the scheme, it is necessary after the product has reached the desired length, divide the threads into two parts. From each separately weave a pigtail, 4-5 cm long and tie a knot at the end.

Thus, the loop of the beginning and the braids of the end form a kind of bracelet clasp.

For those who are interested in these patterns of weaving, you can use a lot of options for patterns that allow you to create completely different bracelets