How to dress mom on September 1

September 1 is a holiday not only for teachers, students, but also for their parents. Especially if the family has a primary school student. They usually go to the line with their mother. Therefore, she has to take care of the form for the child, and herself to look “excellent”. We will show you how to choose the right outfit.

The title "mother of a schoolboy" obliges!

The place and nature of the event implies a specific dress code for mom, which has its own stylistic rules and some restrictions.

It is not necessary to specifically purchase a new dress or party dress . Each woman will be able to choose the outfit appropriate to the celebration from her wardrobe. At the same time, stylish, soft and relatively simple models of clothing should be preferred.

Tip. Choose images that are as close as possible to the classics or office style.

Such an outfit looks moderately official and solemn. And this option is also convenient for women, especially since many of them, after the solemn part, rush to work.

Recommendations for creating an image

  • Do not wear clothing screaming or colorful shades. Preference should be given to monophonic things . Experiments with a flashy print, rhinestones or embroidery with sequins are better to postpone for other holidays.
  • For a school holiday, you need to choose restrained colors, especially since they are fashionable in the current season.

Tip. Dress in fashionable shades (gray, beige, blue) can be complemented by elegant accessories and restrained decorations.

  • The length of the dress or skirt should be up to the knee or slightly higher .
  • An important role is played by shoes. Graceful pumps or classic low-heeled shoes are appropriate .
  • As for jewelry, a bracelet, earrings, a chain and a pair of rings are all that mom needs on the school line.
  • Makeup for such a case should be dull and exclusively classic daytime.

Successful images

We offer several options that will appeal to both mothers and schoolchildren.


A strict dress, such as a “trapeze” or a sheath dress, will be appropriate. These styles fit any figure and hide small flaws.


The ensemble can be of any plan: from the classic “pants + blouse” to the elegant “pants + vest”. Pants can be selected from both summer soft fabric and demi-season.

Jacket and jeans

Such an image of mom will be democratic, slightly relieving the stress of the first school day.

Important! Jeans should be new and trendy. You can choose the usual jeans in blue and blue, as well as beige or gray. But it is necessary without decorative holes or scuffs.

Under this combination, you should also choose suitable shoes with heels.

Skirt and blouse

A wonderful image for a school celebration. So that he does not seem too boring, you can choose an unusual cut blouse, but strict and elegant. In this case, it is better to choose a skirt simple and without decor, dark or pastel shades are possible.

Tip. Depending on the weather, all the proposed options are complemented by a cardigan, jacket or jacket.

What clothes is better to refuse

Despite the fact that the school does not dictate strictly what parents should look like, there are things that you should not put on a ruler.

  • Clothing for home or shopping will not work.
  • Open summer, tight-fitting or transparent clothing will look ridiculous at the school holiday.
  • An outfit that overly demonstrates bare parts of the body (a deep neckline, a short skirt or open shoulders) is a bad option for a child care institution.
  • Clothing in the style of total black and generally dark things . Strict dresses or sundresses can be worn if decorated with bright accessories (handbag, neck scarf, etc.).
  • Do not wear slippers or sandals on the holiday line, even the most expensive ones. If it is hot outside, then you need to opt for soft closed ballet shoes. Just make sure they fit your chosen clothes.

The outfit of the student’s mother at the celebration of Knowledge Day should be neat, calm and comfortable. However, it should be remembered: no matter how the woman wants to look festive and beautiful, the main thing at the celebration is the child.