How to distinguish natural from artificial suede

Suede is a fairly common material. But in the modern world, where the quality and appearance of artificial materials are not very different from the original, substitutes prevail. Therefore, for connoisseurs of natural materials, we offer instructions for recognizing real suede and artificial.

Qualities of natural suede

Natural suede is a leather tanned in a special way. It is made mainly from the skins of large wild horned animals. After mining, an expensive dressing process follows. Therefore, genuine suede has a high price. However, a high price can be put on a fake, do not be guided only by this indicator.

On a note! An artificial substitute can have a high price, this indicator is not reliable.

Natural suede has the following qualities:

  • thin, but very durable;
  • “breathes well”;
  • the material is soft and porous;
  • does not have a wrong side - the same view from both sides.

To the touch it is very durable and somewhat similar to rubber, as it is very elastic, but it does not stretch much.

Faux Suede Features

Artificial material varies in quality. The price and operational characteristics depend on this. Suede substitute is made in two ways:

  • woven;
  • non woven.

The first method involves splitting the base into small villi. Thus they are densely located and firmly “sit” on the base.

The second method involves gluing small fibers on the base. The quality of products made in this way may also vary. In budget options, there may be bald patches or glued villi. In better versions, there will be no such drawbacks, however, this method is still worse than the first. Material made in this way is less durable and strong.

In general, artificial material is characterized by the following characteristics:

  • There is a wrong side. Since faux suede is based on textiles, the fibers are only on one side. The wrong side has a different structure.
  • Unnatural material is less elastic, it bends poorly and does not stretch at all.
  • Poor breathability. As a result of the fact that the fabric base is impregnated with special waterproof agents, it does not allow air to pass through well.

Also, one of the characteristics can be identified as ease of care. Substitute is not afraid of too high or low temperatures and moisture. While natural suede needs to be dried under the right conditions.

On a note! For a substitute, it is not necessary to fulfill special conditions of humidity and temperature during drying, but it is better to provide them to increase the operational period of the product.

What is the difference between natural suede and artificial

Among the main differences we distinguish:

  • Price: the second is much cheaper.
  • Pile length: the first option is shorter.
  • The presence of the wrong side: the second option has it, the first - no.
  • Smell: the first smells of skin, the second does not have pronounced odors, or it can smell of glue.

These differences form the basis of verification tests.

Basic rules for distinguishing natural material from artificial

To check the naturalness of the material, you can conduct several tests. They are quite simple, and you can make them right at the place of purchase.

  1. Take the product in your hands. Whether it is shoes or other products, touch the surface with your palm. The natural base is cold, but it quickly warms up from the warmth of the hand, the artificial will be warm initially, and will not change the temperature.
  2. Press your fingers to the surface. On the substitute, the prints are more visible, and will remain for a longer time.
  3. Apply a small drop of water. The natural base quickly absorbs moisture, with an artificial one it simply rolls down.

On a note! The best way to determine naturalness is to test with a touch.

To the touch, natural suede is elastic, cold, soft, somewhat reminiscent of rubberized leather, the pile is very short, so the surface is almost smooth.