How to decorate a mannequin

Many are used to seeing mannequins only in the windows of fashion boutiques and ateliers, however, now they can be seen at home. Nowadays, they have become a home accessory, and perfectly help talented craftswomen to take measurements from themselves without outside help.

Own mannequin will help to perfectly tailor the product for you, and if you work at home - to attract the attention of customers. Let’s take a closer look at how it can be done taking into account your room style.

Dummy decoration with cloth

The mannequin is ready, but what to do next? How to decorate it? The answer is simple! You will have to work hard and this product will become a real accessory in your home interior. In order to transform the made "assistant" - you can decorate it with a cloth. To do this, you need the fabric you like, it is better to use a knitted fabric.


  1. remove the turtleneck from the fabric (do not forget to leave + 10 cm to cover the bottom);
  2. put on a cover and sew it around;
  3. You can decorate the holder with forged products, they are sold in any hardware store.

There is nothing complicated, the money is not badly saved and we learned how to decorate a mannequin with a cloth.

New Year's decoration mannequin

A win-win option is to put on festive costumes for dolls, put them in felt boots or sequin boots, choose gift boxes for their outfits and complement the looks with Santa’s caps. Gold color will fit into the composition and give luxury to the whole picture.

Buyers value creativity. You can come up with whole stories: for example, install several mannequins next to the New Year tree and “beat” the situation so that people think that dolls adorn the tree. You can put them on a sled or a cart drawn by deer, and create an imitation of tracks in the snow between several participants in the composition.

If the mannequin is male, by the way, hold a staff wrapped in tinsel in his hand, and throw a bag of gifts behind his back. This will tell customers about the need to quickly stock up on New Year's presents. If the store is sports, you can equip the doll with skis or skates, and put a Christmas tree nearby.

It is important to observe the basic rule of trade, according to which, any decoration should be relevant. For New Year's decorations, clothes from the summer collection will not work. Do not forget about the age audience and stuff the children's departments with dolls with gloomy facial expressions.

For the New Year, the fair sex is dressed in the best outfits. For women’s clothing stores, it’s advantageous to dress up mannequins in ball gowns - and unobtrusively demonstrate their assortment, and refine the showcase in a classic solemn style. You can wrap mannequins in fur coats - then against the background it is best to create an atmosphere of a snowy forest.

For a youth store, outerwear would hardly be appropriate. You can dress mannequins in boots and sweaters, fix tinsel on the belt, and carnival masks to fasten on the faces. Figures of children are framed by angel wings, and tangerines or postcards are put in pens.

On the collar you can embroider the inscription "Happy New Year" - this will attract customers and remind them of the upcoming holiday. Another option that will “lure” customers is a discount message pasted directly on the doll.

To sell as much product as possible, designers are advised to create complete images. The mannequin should be dressed harmoniously: if he is wearing an elegant dress, then the shoes will match the color of the fabric, hair clip or necklace to match the shoes. The buyer will like how one part complements another, and he wants to buy everything at once.

New Year tree mannequin decoration

In recent years, the fashion for Christmas tree dresses has become firmly rooted in the West.

Making an unusual framing of this type is easy. To make a Christmas tree in the form of a dress you will need:

  • fabric or finished corset, bow or catchy ribbon;
  • dense mesh (building, for example), wire, pliers, scissors;
  • spruce branches (it doesn’t matter if they are live from a tree or from plastic);
  • any Christmas tree decorations.

Creation Algorithm:

  1. set the figure steadily;
  2. dress a “torso” in a corset or wrap it with a noble fabric so that the resulting look resembles a top;
  3. cut spruce branches and remove excess processes from them;
  4. wrap around the waist with a mesh and secure with wire;
  5. after the frame is created, you need to add Christmas tree branches to it. Start from bottom to top;
  6. attach the end of each branch to the grid with wire. Continue layering until the “skirt” becomes lush;
  7. decorate branches with cones, garlands, toys or sprinkle with artificial snow.

This is not the only option for the New Year tree in the form of a dress: the branches can be replaced with peacock feathers or tinsel. A bow is tied at the camp, and another twig or feather at the neck.

The dress can be made of white transparent fabric, then from a distance the image will resemble a bride. The "bottom" must be strengthened with a hoop, and under the hem lay branches with garlands.

The surest way to increase sales on the eve of the holidays is to amuse potential consumers. Passers-by will appreciate the “glove” dummy and will want to look inside the department at least out of interest. They make it the same way as usual, only spruce branches are replaced with a bunch of mittens and mittens.

Before placing the mannequin in a display case, you should take care of the correct lighting. You should not be content with one lamp - a lot of shadows are formed, which, falling on clothes, will present them not in the best possible way. It is advisable to use two light sources so that the light rays emanating from them overlap each other and do not distort the visibility.