How to decorate a fleece suit for a child

Any parent considers his child the most - the most. He is the best, smarter, kinder, more beautiful. To list all the epithets that mothers give to their chat, the Great Soviet Encyclopedia would probably not be enough.

And naturally, every mommy wants her baby to be different from the rest. But the problem is that it often happens that most children have the same clothes. Despite the fact that the choice of clothing options, today is very extensive, but ... you will not go far from fashion.

Here savvy and quick wits can come to the rescue. No one bothers to take the clothes bought in the store and decorate them yourself. For example, using an applique from the same fleece. It is necessary to decorate, turning it into an artistic canvas, and partially, for example, only pockets.

How to decorate a fleece suit for a child

  • Buttons

Buttons, this is one of the most fertile materials for creativity. From them you can always create something unusual, funny and attractive. Almost everyone in the house has a certain supply of various shapes and colors of buttons. And if it’s not enough - it’s not a problem. In the store you can buy everything that is not enough. Combining patterns on fabric and buttons, an unusual type of creation will come out.

Well, if patience and perseverance are not taken, then it is possible to create a real masterpiece.

  • Fabric Appliques

A huge field for activities is provided by fabric applications.

  • Beads or sequins

If there is enough zeal, attractive decorations can be created on the basis of beads.

  • A good decoration for a costume can be made from bows or felt flowers.

As you can see, if you turn on the imagination and apply some zeal, then any, even the most typical costume from the store can be turned into something unusual.

The brightest ideas

An ordinary sweatshirt made of warm fleece can be turned into a wonderful costume if you decorate it with cute owls, which are made from the remnants of fleece fabric.

For a boy who loves cars, you can create a cute kit. The main theme may be precisely machine.

An ordinary children's costume will become much more beautiful if you place an application in the form of a bear on it, which is made in the main colors of the costume itself.

On a children's suit for walking, a drawing made by thermal printing or created from the same fleece will look good.