How to clean white suede

Suede is a rather capricious material that requires proper care. To clean this material, you also need to have a special approach. It can’t just be washed with water like normal skin. And how to do this will tell our magazine.

Basic rules for cleaning suede

The first rule has already been mentioned - less water. If large amounts of water get in, suede may become deformed.

Important! If possible, use only a dry cleaning method.

When cleaning, also adhere to other rules:

  • Dry the product before handling. Often a thing becomes contaminated when exposed to rain, in which case the product must be well dried away from the heat source. For wet cleaning, this step can be skipped.
  • It is advisable to clean the surface with a soft brush. You can also use special brushes of different stiffness or a rubber eraser.
  • If there is a stain on the product, it must be cleaned from the outside to the inside. So it will not spread and will not leave stains, which are very visible on white suede.
  • Hands must be clean, otherwise you can put another stain. If this is a shoe, be sure to wash the sole, otherwise the dirt will spread onto the suede and stain it.
  • Do not use harsh chemicals.

When you take into account the above rules, you can get to work, and figure out what means you can clean white suede.

How to clean white suede

The funds available in our arsenal are divided into two categories - improvised and special. It is better to have professional suede care products at home. Usually they can be purchased in stores with suede products or specialized departments. But sometimes there are none, and you have to use what is at hand.

Important! Be sure to purchase special suede care products.

Professional White Suede Cleaners

To begin with, about the tools that you need to have in your arsenal:

  • special brush for cleaning suede;
  • an eraser for cleaning nubuck and suede products;
  • spray paint;
  • water repellent spray.

These products will help you with daily care and also with cleaning. With their help, you can remove:

  • Dry dirt (especially shoes). To do this, use a rubber or stiffer brush. Then brush the pile with the soft side.
  • Stubborn pollution. This will help the eraser. Wipe the stain with it in one direction and the dirt will roll. Then go with a brush.
  • Old spots. Those contaminants that cannot be cleaned can be painted with a special suede paint.

But if such funds were not at hand or you do not trust professional skin care, considering it an extra waste of money, use folk methods.

Clean white suede at home

There is even more choice than professional tools. Of the henchmen, the following options can be distinguished.

  • Vinegar or citric acid will help get rid of salt stains, as well as wax stains. It is necessary to mix this component with water 1: 1 and wipe with a cloth slightly moistened in this solution.
  • Starch or baby powder will remove greasy stains of any complexity. To remove a greasy stain, you need to sprinkle starch on the place and leave it for a while (from 5 hours to a day, depending on the complexity of the stain), then wipe it with a brush. Repeat if necessary.
  • Ammonia and milk . This tool copes with various spots on a white base. Add a few drops of ammonia to milk, mix. Moisten a rag in the solution and wipe the problem area.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and water. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and wipe the spot with a stain. Peroxide has whitening properties, so it is well suited to combat dark and old spots.
  • Eraser. It is not necessary to buy a special eraser, you can use the usual school option. But it must be white, otherwise it can leave color stains.

If your product has pollution that does not lend itself to any of the listed means, take it to the workshop, and there they will tell you what can be done with this problem. Usually a skin patch is performed.