How to choose shoes for jeans and a jacket?

Pointy lace-up shoes, loafers, high boots, sneakers - these are just a few ideas for an image made up of jeans and a jacket. It’s worth choosing between the proposed options, based on the general mood of the bow, your own physique and the characteristics of separately worn items.

What shoes go with this style?

Classics of the genre - sneakers, shoes and sneakers. If the solution has already become boring, then try something from this list:

  • loafers;
  • slip-ons;
  • deserts;
  • classic shoes;
  • loafers;
  • boots on a thick embossed sole;
  • boots covering the ankle;
  • sandals.

The latter option is valid with shortened and summer jeans . A jacket in this way should correspond to the general mood according to the thickness of the material, colors and style.

Criteria for choosing shoes for jeans and a jacket

A thing that is worn under a jacket acts as a reliable guide . If the item has signs of sports, then you can take shoes with the same characteristics. Or go the other way and turn to massive and rude boots. For example, to conversions.

Important! In an informal look, shoes can be selected based on the color of the T-shirt.

Do not forget about the material from which the jacket itself is sewn. Lightweight fabric requires summer shoes, and excessively bright or printed - simple, plain and restrained shoes. Classic color schemes are welcome - brown, gray, white and black.

Other guidelines and recommendations:

  1. wear light shoes with a black jacket, or at least a few tones lighter than the top;
  2. any shoe is consistent with a gray top, but not excessively bright;
  3. the ideal solution for a brown jacket - deserts and slip-ons;
  4. as part of a youth look, you can wear a pair of custom styles and colors;
  5. combine brown shoes and loafers with a blue top;
  6. with a light jacket, wear dark but non-massive shoes made of lightweight materials.

What mistakes can be made in choosing a pair?

Avoid the following combinations:

  • high boots and a trouser leg let on from above (ideally, trousers should end earlier than the beginning of the sanctuary; exception: classic shoes);
  • classic shoes and emphasized informal jeans (for example, with scuffs and decorative holes or rivets);
  • shoes are lighter than jeans;
  • lacquered shoes and a tight-fitting or too loose-fitting bottom (it’s generally difficult to choose good jeans for this shoe).

It is also worth considering your own physique and age . Full low people better to refrain from wearing pointed shoes. For them, the best option is a model with a rounded nose.