The healing properties of raw amber beads

For many people, amber is just a semi-precious stone. In fact, it is a hardened resin, hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Source - some species of conifers . Due to its natural origin, the mineral carries the benefit of nature. He is considered an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent. On the basis of a bead, tinctures and devices that strengthen health are made from it and help with teething.

The healing qualities of raw amber beads

The mineral has long been used in the manufacture of reducing and disinfecting drugs, since succinic acid is a strong natural antiseptic. Also, the stone is attributed a positive effect on the following organs and systems:

  • immunity (general strengthening, enhancing reaction and recognition function);
  • psyche (relieves anxiety, normalizes sleep, helps calm down);
  • thyroid gland (normalizes work, slows down the process of growth or drying of the thyroid gland);
  • blood (helps with hypoxia, anemia);
  • airways and processes (effective in bronchial asthma, allergies, and also necessary for the normal implementation of intracellular respiration);
  • GIT (stimulates the intestines).

Succinic acid has been shown to reduce the severity of sclerotic changes. It is able to stop migraines that occur against the background of malnutrition of brain cells, and also eliminates heart pain (due to normalization of heart rhythm). Due to it, in chronic cores, it becomes possible to reduce the dose of medications (in any case, it is impossible to completely abandon drug therapy, the mineral is not suitable for monotherapy, only for complex therapy).

It makes sense to wear amber beads in ischemic conditions . They are indicated for people who suffer from spasms of blood vessels and muscles, as well as those who want to lower blood cholesterol and IPT.

Important! The best results are achieved with the use of succinic acid in tablets and rubbing the oil of the same name in the affected area. Jewelry containing this substance has a less pronounced therapeutic effect. Moreover, it does not appear immediately, but with a rather long or even constant wearing of a bead.

All of the listed healing qualities make themselves felt exclusively when using natural amber. Imitations do not have healing and restorative properties, although they look very similar to the sample . Therefore, it is very important to purchase beads from a trusted manufacturer and check the stone for originality before buying.

Health jewelry - what?

Medical properties are attributed to the Baltic gem . It is believed that it is more useful than the Dominican and Ukrainian, and it is more common than them (this affects the cost). It accounts for approximately 90% of the world's reserves of natural unprocessed amber. The deposits themselves are located on the coast of the Baltic Sea.

Important! The name reflects the localization of the mineral.

Baltic amber is not the name of a specific mineral, but of a whole group of semiprecious stones. The category is represented by 4 different gems. Some of the more useful, others less. The absolute leader in medicinal properties is succinitis . It contains 12 useful and vital substances, and the level of succinic acid is just off scale. The stone is also good because in natural conditions it does not absorb salts of heavy metals. This indicates its safety (it can be used even in infants).

Gedanite also contains a large number of beneficial compounds, but is not rich in succinic acid. For this reason, less succinite is valued as part of home medicine.

Important! If in the manufacture of the amulet for the baby the choice was between succinite and hedanite, then stop at the first. It is he who will help the baby survive the moments of teething and will not cause the slightest harm with prolonged contact with the skin or even with the mucous membrane.

How are the properties of such amber used by man?

For medical purposes, only unprocessed semiprecious stone is used. Polished is much less useful, and all because of the mechanical removal of the upper layers. Together with them, the concentration of amber resin, which is known as a natural biostimulant, decreases.

How teething beads work

The antiseptic properties of amber help relieve itching, inflammation and accelerate the process of tissue repair. After the disappearance of irritating symptoms, the child begins to behave better, which indirectly can help stabilize the temperature.

How do beads affect the thyroid gland?

Decoration acts as a source of iron, iodine, magnesium. These elements are necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. By timely and systematically receiving the required nutrients, the body produces a normal amount of hormones. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the state of the nervous and skeletal system, psychoemotional background. The likelihood of developing a number of endocrine and autoimmune diseases is reduced.

Important! A positive effect is observed only with prolonged systematic wearing of amber beads. Moreover, the thread should not be very long. Faster to achieve the goal of the substance with a small decoration adjacent to the collar zone.

Amber Recipes

There are several ways to enhance the effect of wearing beads. Among them is the use of amber tincture . To prepare it you will need:

  • 2.5 g of raw amber;
  • 250 ml of pure alcohol;
  • glass container or non-metallic bowl.

Cooking method:

  • put amber at the bottom of the vessel;
  • pour it with alcohol;
  • leave alone for 24 hours (during this day, periodically shake up the liquid so that the mineral does not settle for a long time);
  • strain the tincture (when the stone is insisted, precipitation may occur, but it should not be in the consumed product);
  • pour into darkened glass containers.

The finished product can be applied topically and orally. Intake scheme:

  1. First day: 3 drops;
  2. The second day: 4;
  3. Third day: 5;
  4. Fourth day: 5;
  5. Fifth day: 4;
  6. Sixth-seventh day: 3;
  7. Eighth day: 4;
  8. Ninth and subsequent days: alternate 5 and 4 drops (one day take 5 drops, the second - 4).

Important! The duration of the course should not exceed 3 weeks. You can re-apply to the tool after a 10-day break.

The external method of application depends on the goals and disease . To relieve headaches and sleep problems, you need to rub a small amount of tincture every evening in the nose and whiskey, in the area behind the ears and in the area of ​​the dimples on the wrist. In diseases of the heart and blood, the drug is applied 3 times a day for a week on the left side of the chest, and they also smear them under the armpit and wrists.

Important! In the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the external and oral route of administration should be combined. The drink is not clean, but diluted: 3-5 drops of tincture in 250 ml of water.

For colds and respiratory diseases, massage the tincture with massage movements in the back and chest. It is also applied to the temples, feet and wrists. The procedure is carried out every day, in the morning and in the evening until the moment of full recovery.