Fleece anti-pilling what is it

The technological process of production and processing of fleece fabric is constantly being improved. Today you can find a large number of varieties of such fabric, which is distinguished by operational characteristics. Thanks to modern production trends, fleece products are becoming softer, denser and warmer.

Fleece anti-pilling - what is it and how is it different from ordinary fleece?

Anti-pilling fleece is a dense fabric that is processed with special compounds, this ensures long-term use of products made of such fabric without losing its pristine appearance and maintaining quality during operation.

The main differences between antipilling and other fleece types are:

  • increased wear resistance;
  • softness of the material;
  • resistance to creases and jams;
  • reinforced thermal insulation properties.

The fabric retains its original appearance for a long time and is not covered with spools for prolonged use. Items from such a fabric can be washed in a washing machine without affecting the appearance of the product.

Important! Such clothes become an excellent alternative to woolen products, more durable and often warmer than natural materials. It does not require special care.

Advantages of Fleece Antipilling

This type of fabric has won the trust of consumers, as it is a good heat-insulating material and is widely used as a pouch for children and adults in the winter. It allows you to feel comfortable even in severe frosts.

The main advantages of the material over other fabrics are:

  • providing comfortable heat;
  • no need for special care;
  • Looks good in any situation, is not covered with spools;
  • retains its pristine appearance for a long time.

Things from antipilling will appeal to everyone, without exception. Despite the fact that it is a fully synthetic material, it breathes very well, letting in air, but reliably protecting it from the cold. In addition, the fabric is very light, clothing from it weighs almost nothing and is not felt on the body, unlike woolen products.

What is sewn from fleece anti-pilling?

This fabric is very popular today for the production of clothing for adults and children. The anti-pilling variant is hypoallergenic, therefore it is widely used for the production of underwear for young children. This is a good option in severe frosty winters. From it sew:

  • overalls;
  • sweatshirts;
  • panties;
  • sliders;
  • spools;
  • scarves and other products.

Important! In the warm season, the fabric protects well from evening coolness. Sweaters and panties are sewed from it, allowing the body to “breathe”, but at the same time reliably retaining body heat.

For adults, sweaters of various styles, hats, scarves and mittens are most often sewn. Most often, such clothes are preferred by people who prefer freedom of movement and an active lifestyle. This is due to the fact that the fleece is very soft, pleasant to the body and light.

In harsh winters, fleece antipilling clothing is a great option for everyday wear. She retains her original appearance for a long time and does not crumple. With minimal care, the products will look great and complement the free urban look. For people who prefer a sporty or free urban style, such clothing is an indispensable option.

Fleece anti-pilling is also used as a liner for winter clothing made from natural materials. Winter hats, scarves and mittens are very often hemmed with a lining so that the body is warm and comfortable. It becomes additional protection against wind and frosty air, allowing you to always be protected from winter weather.