European size of women's shoes in Russian (table)

In order for the shoe selection to be successful, and the new thing to please its mistress, you must first determine the size. This is especially important when making purchases over the Internet, because there is no way to try on immediately.

Due to the fact that the shoe wardrobe is so difficult to choose the troubles of fitting, many refuse to purchase the pair they like. But sometimes the only opportunity for our ladies to wear high-quality shoes of the European brand is to order it online. This article will help you navigate the dimensional grid correctly and not deny yourself such pleasure as comfortable and fashionable shoes.

Features of the choice of women's European shoes

As it was probably just before the industrial revolution with the choice of shoes! She was sewn by individual standards. No one has heard of dimensional grids. They appeared already with the development of mass production. Shoes, boots, have their own size. But the catch is that in different countries, from different manufacturers and even in different models, the size and completeness of the shoes are not the same.

The hardest part of the beautiful half. A woman should have a lot of shoes. Good and different. And also convenient. And for this it is important to choose it in size.

It is generally accepted that shoes produced in southern Europe (in Italy, for example) are smaller in width, which is what the manufacturers of the north (in the same Germany) do. And the Chinese are small in size, or even two. In general, it’s true, but not every manufacturer has read this text and its size grid may surprise . When choosing shoes, first of all, consider the following:

  • when buying winter or sports shoes, always add another half size or size. The leg should move freely;
  • Do not take high-heeled shoes much more - half the size will be enough. Otherwise, the leg will “go” forward and the load will no longer be on the heel area, but on the arch support, which is dangerous for posture and bad for the shoes themselves;
  • try on a new pair in the evening, when the leg swells a little, so quickly determine whether the shoes fit or not.

Interesting! Researchers say that women are several times more likely than men to buy shoes less than they need.

European Women's Shoes Size Chart

Which woman refuses to buy high-quality European shoes? But how to deal with the size range? Let's look at the main differences between different manufacturers.

Important! Shoe size grid in Poland coincides with the Russian!

How to determine your size of European shoes?

The table above gives not just the size ratio, but also the foot length in centimeters. It’s easier to navigate. Let's measure the foot first.

Important! To determine the correct foot size, do not measure the insole, even if you think that it suits you. The insole length is not an indicator.

How to take measurements?

Prepare a piece of thick cardboard and a pencil. Put a thin sock on your foot. Place your foot on a piece of cardboard, rest your foot, hold your foot strictly perpendicular to the floor and gently circle it with a pencil. Measure the distance from the heel to the edge of the fingers with a ruler.

This measure is best done more often. Ideally - before each purchase and verify the resulting figure with a grid on the seller’s website . If you know that the left and right legs are significantly different from each other - take measurements from both, but make the choice for the one that is larger.

Sizing Example

For example, on a workpiece, the foot length was 23 cm. This value corresponds to the Russian 36th and European 37 sizes. If, when measuring the foot, an indicator is obtained that is not in the table (for example, 25.3 cm), we round up. Those. we get the 39th Russian or 40th European.

Important! When ordering shoes online, check with the manufacturer if he is using his size grid.

Differences between the sizes of women's shoes in Europe and Russia

From the above it is clear that the size grid in many countries is different and sometimes very strong. Why did this happen? It all depended on what kind of system of measures the residents used in the first place.

In Europe and Russia, the metric system operates - that is, we measure everything in centimeters . If applied to shoes, then a purely metric system is used more often in a dimensional grid for children. In order to know the length (and size) of the children's leg, it is enough to measure the distance from the heel to the tip of the thumb (or the longest) finger in centimeters.

Interesting! The British took the length of barley grain as a shoe measure (one of the ancient measures of length). The average seed of this cereal is 1/3 of an inch, or about 8.46 mm.

When compiling a dimensional grid for shoes for adults, both in Europe and in Russia, shtikhmass are used - these are the very signs that mark shoes. In Russia it is used on both adult and children's shoes. In Europe, has its own shtikhmass. The size grid, as you can see, is similar to the Russian one, only it goes 1 order less . Accordingly, 37 European is nine out of ten cases - Russian 38.

Knowing these little tricks and following our advice, you will now easily pick up what you need.