Do-it-yourself strawberry suit for girls

When preparing for the holidays or children's parties, there are always difficulties in choosing and creating a suitable costume. It is especially difficult to choose an image for a girl. Young fashionistas want to look beautiful and magical. Therefore, you need to thoroughly think through all the details of the costume and make a real masterpiece.

Recently, shops have been pleasing with their assortment, but the prices for suits are too high. And the quality sometimes leaves much to be desired.

Therefore, we suggest that you make your own costumes. For girls, the image of strawberries, similar to the one used in the well-known advertisement of the orchard, is an excellent option.

How to make a strawberry costume

To create the desired image, it is first necessary to imagine the future costume itself .

Necessary measurements

After this, it is necessary to take the main measurements by which the pattern will be built.

  • Child's height.
  • Waist and skirt length if you want to use it as a base.
  • Arms length. We need it to create leaves and greenery.
  • To sew hats you need to know the size of the head.

After measurements, you should build all the necessary patterns with a pencil on graph paper. Then cut the fabric and sew all the details. To complete the image, you can use additional decorations and decorative inserts.

IMPORTANT! Do not make the base too big and heavy! It is necessary to evenly distribute weight and load so that the girl can feel comfortable and move freely.

Color spectrum

For a complete understanding, you can recall the appearance of the berries, looking at them in nature, if possible. Another option is to find a photo on the open spaces of the network.

The main colors that are characteristic of strawberries are various shades of red and yellow . But do not forget about the bush and flowers. To surround the berries, you can use leaves of different sizes and stems, they use green color . But for the flowers, white petals and yellow cores are suitable.

Such an image will be very similar to a real strawberry from the garden.

IMPORTANT! Do not deviate from the main gamut, the image should look natural and natural.

Costume base options

Your main tool will be imagination and creativity. We will only tell you a few basic directions for making the outfit.

  • Decide on the appearance. Consider ground placement options. The berry can be on the waist, in the form of a skirt or just decorate the head of the child.
  • The easiest way is to decorate the head with a hat in the form of wild strawberries and additional leaves on the hands.
  • An interesting option would be a red skirt with white blotches and a fabric ornament in the form of green leaves and grass.
  • The most difficult will be the image of a berry made of foam rubber . Such a suit is made round and put on the body. It looks very interesting and looks like a real big strawberry.

Based on the time and amount of material, you can choose one of the proposed images. Buy the necessary materials and prepare the tools in advance, after which you can begin to work.

Dressing basics

If you have decided on the choice of the main part, you can proceed to decorate it. Details are important in each suit, it is they who fill the image and give it expressiveness and beauty .

  • For decoration, you can use paints and draw a floral pattern on the fabric .
  • Another good way would be to decorate the skirt with white beads . You get the white grains that strawberries have.
  • Attach green fabric leaves to your hands. And on the shoulders you can hang homemade white flowers that are found on bushes in the garden.


A hat is a very important element in a suit.

You can perform it as the top of red material or as green petals at the base of the berry.

  • Take the finished knitted hat or sew it yourself from a red dense fabric.
  • Glue up a green cloth or cardboard.
  • Garnish the hat with green rounded tendrils made of wire.
  • If you have a desire and an opportunity, then you can create a magnificent round hat stuffed with cotton or foam rubber. This will create an unusual effect and decorate the costume.

Attributes and decorations

If you want to add additional decorations, you can use the following methods.

  • The bottom of the product can be painted under a basket or basket .
  • You can pick up a small basket, as if the strawberry itself went for the harvest.
  • Attach butterflies, caterpillars or birds all over the body to create an impression of wildlife. For example, you can hang a toy bee on flowers.
  • Shoes should be spacious and comfortable, they should also be glued with small flowers.

Create a costume with your daughter and ask her what jewelry is best to use. Become a real sorceress for your child and give a beautiful image for the holiday.