Do I need to iron the sheets after washing

One of the attributes of an expensive hotel is clean, well-ironed linen. But the procedure for ironing bed sets takes a lot of time, so often ordinary housewives neglect it. However, ironed sleep accessories have many advantages.

Why are we ironing the linen?

Washing sheets and pillowcases is a must in the life of a tidy person. It is necessary according to the rules of hygiene. But the attitude to ironing bed is formed within the family. A person who grew up in a family where bedding is ironed every time after washing will iron himself in the future. But people whose parents have never performed this procedure often do not even think about the need to iron the sheets. In some countries they do not iron at all - for example, many residents of Western states have long abandoned this procedure.

In Russia, it is considered good manners to iron sheets for guests who stayed overnight in the house. The hostess who prepared fresh and ironed linen for guests will be considered neat and polite. Usually in homes of hospitable families a special “guest” set of bedding is stored.

Ironing advantages

After washing, the bedding becomes tougher and wrinkles form on them. Ironing returns tissue softness, enhances the feeling of freshness. The procedure has many other advantages. It:

  • fight against bed ticks. Even washing at high temperatures is not able to eliminate pests, while the iron destroys all their traces, including larvae;
  • the cotton fabric becomes stronger due to regular ironing, so ironing of cotton products allows you to buy less new clothes less often;
  • ironed items take up less space in the cabinet.

One of the reasons why ironing sheets and pillowcases is the aesthetic appearance of the laundry. Neatly ironed sheets give the bedroom a neat and comfortable look, create a feeling of comfort. Sleeping on an ironed bed is much more pleasant and comfortable, the sleep becomes stronger and calmer.

Cons ironing

However, this procedure has some disadvantages:

  • after ironing, the pleasant smell of linen is lost, especially the smell of frost;
  • this procedure takes a lot of time, and with the modern rhythm of life, it can be difficult to allocate the extra half an hour to iron the bedding;
  • a number of materials are easily electrified by contact with the iron;
  • the iron consumes a significant amount of electricity.

In some cases, it is possible to give the sheets a neat and tidy appearance without ironing. To do this, it is enough to hang sheets for the time of drying so that creases and wrinkles do not form on the fabric.

When not to do without ironing bed?

Sometimes you can’t do without an iron. Ironed sheets should always be in the cots of young children. It is necessary to iron the bedding of sick people, as well as those who suffer from allergies to linen mites.

If the child is in the house

Children's pajamas, pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers need to be ironed after each wash. Microorganisms accumulate on the tissue, some of which do not die in the washing machine. Microbes can cause various diseases in a sensitive child's body, and tick larvae often lead to allergic reactions. It is especially important to iron the laundry in the event that it was washed along with the things of the parents. Those bacteria that are harmless to an adult can harm a small child.

If there is a sick person in the house

Be sure to iron the people suffering from skin diseases. Regular treatment will contribute to a speedy recovery, and also prevent the spread of infection to other people living in the same house with the patient.

For allergies, ironing should be carried out regularly. It is also necessary to timely change bedding.

IMPORTANT: It is important for a sick person to choose the right material for bedding. Sheets made of silk are best suited.

Linen made from fabric that does not need ironing

Sheets made of many materials easily wrinkle and lose their neat appearance without an iron. But modern manufacturers often use fabrics that do not require ironing. It:

  • Coarse calico - a natural, safe and inexpensive material on which wrinkles are almost not formed;
  • Satin is a durable and beautiful cotton fabric that does not have to be ironed;
  • Chintz is another inexpensive material, the care of which does not require the use of an iron.

IMPORTANT: Only bedding made from natural materials should be purchased. Synthetic fabrics not only make sleep less comfortable, but can also damage human health.

Alternative remedies (what can replace ironing)

The most popular way to make bedding smoother is to carefully hang the sheets after washing. But there are other methods. If at the same time many sheets were washed immediately, then you can twist them into a roll and leave them to dry in this form. This method solves the problem of lack of space for drying clothes. It is also convenient to store accessories for sleeping on a roll - they do not wrinkle, wrinkles do not form on them, which means that you can do without an iron.

How to iron?

Cotton and silk need to be ironed from the wrong side. Two things can be ironed at the same time - for this it is enough to spread a sheet on the ironing board and iron other bedding on it. Do not dry the tissues - let them remain slightly moist, and the remaining drops will evaporate on their own. Also, you do not need to iron terry bathrobes and towels, because after the iron, their material becomes coarser and tougher.

To iron or not to iron clothes is a personal affair of each person. But clean, tidy sheets always improve your mood and give you a comfortable sleep, which is the key to good health.