DIY wool paintings

Making paintings from wool is a multi-layered process of laying wool material, in which the image is created gradually from parts of different colors.

Creating pictures is like drawing. The volume is depicted using color and chiaroscuro. Wool in this case plays the role of paints that can be used to make a three-dimensional figure on a flat canvas, which is confirmed by various photos of the work.

Features of paintings from wool

Creation begins with the background, and after that proceed to the foreground objects. At the same time, the material does not fasten in any way. The finished product is a multilayer picture, which is fastened with a frame on two sides - glass and a cardboard base. In a word, the yarn is laid on the fabric and pressed down by the glass of the frame.

For this work, you can use either a special frame or the most common one, purchased in an office supply store. In the second case, the yarn is fastened to the process using clamps. With their use, the material will sit faster and will be much more convenient to work.

Note! It is better to carry out a product not at once, but in several! It is better to spend a few days doing quality work than to get tired on the first day with no habit. In addition, speed will adversely affect quality.

Be sure to have a sketch of the picture that you plan to make before your eyes. It can be either a painted picture or a printed drawing from the Internet. This will help you focus directly on the image itself. Without a sketch, it will be more difficult to do the work, especially for beginners. If you run to print the image, you do not have time, then you can at least open the picture on your phone or tablet. In any case, the image should always be in front of the eyes.

Glass must be applied very often. This will help in time to understand your mistakes and fix them. As a result, the work will be under glass, so you need to focus on what ultimately turns out under glass. Using glass, you can notice that the layer is too thick, or, conversely, in some place you need to add material. It is under glass that you can not see the most successful small details that can still be fixed.

Wool is a bulk material that is squeezed under the glass and, due to this, slightly increases in diameter. It happens that, for example, you make a thin stalk, but after applying glass, it becomes clear that it is too wide for a plant and you have to redo this section of the work.

At the same time, the picture of wool is very easy to redo. You can tweak the work a little, because it is multi-layered, you just have to remove the part of the work that you were not satisfied with. It will take a little longer, but next time you will be more experienced. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, because in any case, you can always correct them.

If you plan to finish the work tomorrow, then be sure to hook it with clamps and press down with glass. Under weight, the picture will sit down and it will be much easier to work with it.

What you need to create a picture of wool

To make a picture, you need to prepare:

  1. frame with glass;
  2. nail scissors;
  3. stationery scissors;
  4. material;
  5. glue stick;
  6. tweezers;
  7. iron for ironing.

Do-it-yourself wool paintings for beginners: how to make

First you need to disassemble the frame. Put a napkin on a cardboard base, carefully attach with paper clips. Wool for the background tightly wrap around the index finger and pinch off for work as needed.

Put the nibbled pieces on a napkin and stick with pencil glue. It is possible for the edges of the fur to extend beyond the frame.

The edges of the background are laid out in a darker color, to the middle of the coat should be a lighter shade. Each piece of wool must be fixed with glue.

After the base is ready, apply a clean sheet and iron it. It will be enough to spend a couple of times with an iron over the workpiece so that the wool is fixed.

After that, we begin to spread the pieces of wool further according to the picture. We iron each element through a piece of paper. We remove excess pile with the help of manicure scissors. If you twist the strand in a different direction, then you can unwind it.

After the work is completed, re-iron a couple of times through a piece of paper. This will remove the excessive hairiness of the work. Remove excess elements with scissors.

To create such masterpieces is not only for masters. The ability to draw in this case does not matter. The most important thing is desire, imagination and minimal skill in working with the material. Even a novice will be able to create amazing works that will be appreciated by others.

Creative success!