DIY kolobok costume

A kolobok costume is an outfit suitable for a huge number of events. It can be either a school masked ball or a New Year's party in kindergarten, or a performance based on a fairy tale in which your child got the main role. The mass of various applications of this costume causes quite a lot of demand for it. But is it worth it to spend money on the finished product, if you can make it yourself?

To make a kolobok costume, you don’t need special skills and abilities, even a novice craftswoman will cope with it. What is needed for work and where to start?

What can I make a kolobok costume

In the process, you need to show imagination. This will help and save a lot of money: ready-made costumes may suggest the presence of elements that you do not have at home and will have to be purchased separately. And knowing what is stored in your apartment and can be used in work, you can discover the previously unnoticed creativity and a tendency to creative perception.

Here are a few ideas: the image of the bun can be created using paraphernalia, taking as a basis ready-made existing clothing. Another option is to sew a simple jumpsuit from fabric cuts or a vest made of light fabric, such as fleece.

A great addition will be a hat with a funny face. The main thing in this costume is the yellow color, on the basis of which the whole image is built.

DIY kolobok costume for a boy

Outfits for boys sometimes cause questions for mothers - here it will not be enough to simply decorate the dress with ruffles or rhinestones, adding a couple of accessories. The kolobok costume for the baby should fully match the image so that everyone who sees it immediately understands who the boy is portraying.

How to make it atmospheric and comfortable without spending a lot of time?

What is necessary for work

We turn to the simplest option, which does not require a large amount of source materials. You will need:

  • a piece of any light tissue, such as a lining twill;
  • cardboard;
  • paints;
  • glue.

The costume will be a solid yellow base and a hat in the form of a hat, on which we glue the drawing of the kolobok on cardboard. It can be printed or drawn by yourself.

Base manufacture

The fabric will need to be folded in half and measure the right amount, depending on the height of the child. From the residues you can sew a hat.

The suit should be cut obliquely, and behind the back make special ties. For the base of the costume, we make a circle from cardboard, we trim it with a yellow cloth, glue the nose, eyes and mouth. The foundation is ready!

IMPORTANT! On the sides of the product, you can attach Velcro so as not to miscalculate with size. In addition, this will be an additional guarantee that the suit will not fall if the ties suddenly come loose. Remember that a holiday or a performance always involves an active child.

Headdress making

Sew a small hat from the remaining pieces of fabric: to do this, cut a wide ribbon to fit the circumference of the head and circle. Sew the parts together.

Now it remains only to prepare a picture. Cut a small circle from thick cardboard that will not deteriorate from constant movement, and draw a face, painting everything else with yellow.

If the picture is pre-printed, you just need to colorize it and stick it on the hat. The kolobok costume is ready!

DIY kolobok costume step by step

An adult may need a more sophisticated costume. To make it you need:

  • synthetic winterizer on a quilted lining;
  • polyethylene tape;
  • pencil;
  • thread and needle;
  • yellow fleece.

The basis of this outfit will be a vest. Before starting work, you should measure your parameters: waist circumference and the length of the future product from the neck to the hips. Both measurements need to be doubled. Then you need to hide two parts from synthetic winterizer and sew together, leaving outlets for the hands and for the head.

IMPORTANT! Since the vest is supposed to be voluminous, undercuts are needed. If your sewing skills are not enough, it is best to seek the help of experienced craftsmen or girlfriends.

Then try on the resulting product and outline the lines along which the plastic tape will be sewn. Then cut out the upper part of the suit, insert the elastic bands where necessary.

Pry off a yellow vest or jacket under the resulting vest. From any cotton fabric, make a headdress that can also be decorated with a kolobok pattern. For those who know how to crochet, it is not difficult to make yourself a round skullcap.

Now you know how to sew a kolobok costume for a child or an adult on your own and what you will need.