DIY Hawaiian Beads

Hawaiian Islands - a paradise place that I would like to visit, perhaps, for everyone! The memories of tourists who visited the archipelago are associated with the gentle sun, summer heat, the splash of azure waves and glare of moonlight, coconuts, oranges, a variety of cocktails at picturesque holidays and, of course, solid rainbow fun.

The special atmosphere at the vibrant Hawaiian parties, striking the imagination with open and relaxed frivolous costumes, accompanies relaxation and rest without any special investment in the budget. Increasingly, this topic becomes a priority among young people when choosing a holiday atmosphere. Where else can you relax so wonderful, enjoying the sea of ​​bright colors, exotic drinks, dancing mystical Hawaiian hula and completely forgetting about the realities of life?

And why are there only picturesque Hawaiian-style robes: a coconut bodice, a short fluffy skirt of multi-colored yarn, flying like a fan every time you swing your hips in a dance, a wreath on your head and bright floral necklaces around your neck! Imagine all these charming costumes and elegant accessories you can do with your own hands.


  • The beauty of Hawaii at your place
  • What can you make Hawaiian beads at home
  • How to make DIY Hawaiian beads quickly

The beauty of Hawaii at your place

Want to try? So allow yourself this, because a hot Hawaiian party can be organized at almost any holiday: birthday, wedding, meeting of old friends or a youth party. Yes, in fact, any entertainment can be carried out in the Hawaiian style even at home in a narrow circle of friends. Such a colorful and reckless celebration will definitely not be dull and boring, it will cheer everyone up for a long time remaining vivid memories in the memory of your guests.

To organize an enchanting holiday:

  • prepare and send out to friends or relatives colorfully designed invitations indicating the theme of the party;
  • indicate to the invited guests the dress code of the holiday: bright colored skirts, colorful blouses, wreaths, headbands in the hair and multi-colored garlands of long beads around the neck;
  • decorate the venue with beautiful Hawaiian posters and Hawaiian party photos;
  • make a corner of the Hawaiian cuisine, decorate it with flowers and candles. Place fresh exotic fruits in baskets or vases. What a holiday in Hawaii without oranges, bananas and coconuts;
  • prepare a treat for the guests, imitate Hawaiian dishes: fried fish or meat, baked sweet potatoes, bread and, of course, diversify the menu with fruit and vegetable salads;
  • think over entertainment and a dance program, without fail with a Hawaiian blasphemy; it will seriously carry away and amuse those present.

Luxurious Hawaiian beads, exotic cocktails, Hawaiian melodies sounding with a light background should become a mandatory attribute of a fantastic holiday and, as a result, your guests will be in a good mood!

What can you make Hawaiian beads at home

Without Hawaiian beads (lei), the holiday will not have an exotic connotation. Do not waste time looking for them in stores! Garlands of bright lei are easy to make with your own hands from the things that are in each house, hidden and forgotten by you.

Look for and prepare for work something from improvised materials. It can be bright shiny wrappers from candies, serving napkins, rolls of multi-colored corrugated paper, bright artificial fabric or plastic flowers, colored nylon or satin ribbons of various widths, and also dense synthetic fabric.

And of course, collect the tools, you can’t do without them: durable threads, a needle, scissors, glue, cardboard, a pencil and a ruler.

Have you collected everything you need for the master class, and are you ready for the creative process? Then proceed ...

How to make DIY Hawaiian beads quickly

Now we will make different types of beads (lei) from the materials you have, spending only 1 to 2 hours on work. We are sure that you will get the most striking and very beautiful Hawaiian necklaces!

Version for those who have corrugated paper:

  • Take 3-4 rolls of paper in different colors. Without expanding, using a ruler, divide the roll of any color along the length into equal parts (approximately 5 cm) and mark the segments with lines;
  • cut the roll along the lines with scissors into pieces. You will get several pieces of the same size but multi-colored;
  • unfold the first piece of paper of any color in a long ribbon;
  • measure the thread 2 times the length of the beads you conceived. Put the thread in the needle, align the ends and tie a knot;
  • using a needle, collect part of the paper tape with uniform stitches exactly in its center;
  • stop and pull the paper on the thread into a bundle;
  • holding the thread at the end of the bundle with your hand so that the paper does not bloom, twist the folds several times to the right, starting from the end of the screed;
  • continue work in this way until the strip ends;
  • take a piece of paper of a different color and continue working in the same way and on the same thread;
  • work with 4-5 different colors until you have a small piece of thread;
  • staple the beginning and end of the necklace in a circle with a needle with the remaining thread. Your multi-colored lei are ready!

Option for those who have large size serving napkins:

  • 4 napkins of one color evenly fold one on one;
  • scissors cut them along the fold line. You have 8 identical squares;
  • fold the squares together and put together an accordion. There will be a strip that will have ≈ 5 folds;
  • Tie the strip exactly in the middle. You will get a bow;
  • scissor both ends in a semicircle to get a more beautiful flower shape;
  • divide the petals, pulling them one at a time to the center (the place tied with thread);
  • the first flower is ready. In the same way, make the number of flower links you need from different color napkins;
  • string them by threading a needle into the center of each and alternating them in color to the length of the necklace you need. True, beautiful lei turned out?

But, in general, there are many ideas for making such beads. Here are some more of them:

  1. From corrugated paper, you can make circles or cut them on a stencil in the shape of a flower with sharp or round petals. Then fold them together and sew them in the center. After you should fluff them, and sew all the flowers in a garland of beads.
  2. Option number 1 can be repeated, only with multi-colored satin or kapron ribbons. The manufacturing principle remains the same.
  3. From artificial multilayer fabric colors . Disassemble them into separate petals and string them on a thread. Only every 10-15 cm do a knot on a string or fasten a bead so that the petals do not come together in a heap.
  4. From candy shiny candy wrappers. Only for this you have to collect them in advance, having eaten a lot of sweets. For the manufacture of lei from candy wrappers, any of the methods described above will do.

Want to impress everyone with your Hawaiian-style outfit? So go ahead, show your creative imagination and create the best beads for a hot friendly party!