DIY bag organizer

All women love bags and shoes. Etiquette rules state that each pair of shoes needs its own handbag. And sometimes the question arises: how and where is it better to store these things.

One of the popular options for solving this issue is the organizer. This is a very roomy and at the same time compact storage system. We will tell you how to make an organizer in a cabinet with your own hands.

Types of Organizers

Organizers are ideal for storing bags. Due to their compact size, they do not take up much space. However, they will help protect things from dust and possible mechanical damage. Meanwhile, they have one significant drawback. Typically, all storage compartments or pockets are the same size. Therefore, if the bags differ in size, then some of them may not fit in the compartments, and some will hang in them.

There are several storage options.

  • A dense organizer that can be placed in a cabinet in a horizontal position .
  • Outboard . It is also located in the closet, but is mounted on the crossbar .
  • Retractable . This is a convenient and neat option, but it takes up a lot of space .
  • Tape equipped with hooks . It is fixed on the door, and the bags are hung on hooks . There is also an option that is placed on the crossbar.

There are many ready-made options for organizers. However, they can be made independently at home.

Materials and tools for work

Starting to make the right thing, you should prepare the following.

  • Large cut of fabric . It is desirable to take a dense fabric, for example, gabardine.
  • For pockets, small flaps of fabric are needed.
  • Durable material for the back of the base and pockets . You can take plastic or dense polyethylene. It is necessary to give the product strength and stiffness.
  • Tape or tape for processing the edges of pockets and back wall.
  • Ruler .
  • Scissors .
  • Sewing machine .
  • Tailor pins .
  • Chalk, soap or felt-tip pen .
  • Eyelets .

Fantasy and free time will also not be superfluous.

Organizer step-by-step manufacturing

There are a large number of organizers for bags that you can make yourself. They can have various shapes, be suspended and mounted on a shelf, made of various materials. We will tell you how to make a simple version of a system for storing bags in a closet.

  • First you need to choose the size of the future product .
  • After that, rectangles of the right size must be cut out of plastic or polyethylene. Two times larger parts are cut from the fabric.

IMPORTANT! When cutting, do not forget that it is necessary to leave a few centimeters on each side at the seams.

  • Cut out the details you need to double up the wrong side inward . It is necessary to put cooked pieces of plastic or polyethylene in them. Then stitch on top.
  • The edges of the fabric must be shaped like an accordion . You can do this using an iron. On the side you need to leave allowances.
  • The folds at the edges of each pocket must be sewn.
  • Next, you should take a large piece of fabric and place plastic or polyethylene between its two layers.
  • On the basis obtained, place the pockets made and secure them with the help of tailor pins.
  • Using a machine, sew pockets to the back wall of a future organizer.

    The edges of the base must be rounded. You can do this with a glass.

    All edges of the resulting product should be sheathed with tape or oblique trim.

  • Eyelets are installed in the required places.

Having shown imagination and having spent some free time, it is possible to make an original and functional place for storage.