Can I wash a suede bag

Washing any product made of suede material causes a lot of problems and doubts. This issue is still under active discussion, and many simply don’t know how to handle suede properly.

Consider the cleaning process for such a popular accessory as a suede bag. Its owners often doubt whether it is possible to wash such a thing. We give the answer right away: carefully, observing special rules - you can! And we will tell you how to return purity to the bag.

Wet Cleansing Methods

Suede handbag always looks very elegant and expensive, therefore, care should be appropriate. It is not necessary to resort to the services of dry cleaners. You can very well cope on your own, at home, following simple tips.

With steam

One of the most popular wet cleaning methods is using steam. Everything is extremely simple here.

  • It is necessary to pour water into a large pot and put on the stove, bring to a boil.
  • Now that the steam is actively standing out, you need to hold our bag over the pan for several minutes . Turn over periodically so that all areas of the product are exposed to steam.
  • After that, you need to clean the handbag with a small rubber brush, which is sold in many stores.

TIP . If such a brush is not at hand, a regular stationery eraser will do.

Using liquid formulations

  • The dirt on the suede bag is very well removed with a weak solution of vinegar, which

    everyone can cook at home. No need to cook large volumes - we will just wipe our accessory. You can take cotton swabs or a cloth and gently wipe the bag over its entire area . At places of large accumulation of dirt, make small efforts.
  • Soap solution also copes with dirt and stains of fat. Pour warm water into a bowl and add a little soap, shampoo or detergent for dishes, a little. After that, mix thoroughly and, after wetting the sponge in the solution, wipe the contaminated areas on our purse. Large spots and stubborn dirt should be a little delayed, in a circular motion to treat the place with a sponge. After cleaning, wipe the bag with napkins dipped in plain water to remove any soapy water. After that, wipe it dry with a cloth or napkin.

Washing suede bags

When the pollution is quite serious, you have to resort to washing.

If you are going to wash by hand, which is highly recommended, then we will need warm water (non-hot) and liquid soap.

TIP . Instead of soap, you can use shampoo, shower gel or dishwashing detergent.

The detergent is dissolved in water, mixing everything thoroughly. The bag needs to be kept in water for several minutes, after which it is allowed to dry. And in no case do not squeeze it !

If it was decided to use a washing machine, then the delicate washing mode without spin is suitable for us. We set the water temperature at 30-40 degrees, no longer needed. After washing, we also carefully set the bag to dry.

Take care of your accessories, then they will always be pleasing to the eye. Following simple tips, you can return the original look to almost any product, even from the most whimsical material.