Can I use someone else's wallet?

The most dangerous wallets are someone else's wallets. How this thing can be dangerous, whether it can be used and how to prevent financial losses in your own family, if you go with it - read on.

Signs about using someone else's wallet

Someone is always insanely happy about the finds. Especially if it's a wallet, and even more so with money. Few people think about the consequences, what such “pleasant” foundlings can lead to. Not everyone, of course, is so insidious. Someone, at the sight of other people's things, is terribly worried about the person who lost them, imagining himself in his place and a lot of everything and everything.

Someone is trying to return a thing to its owner. Just do it is not always so easy. What to do with the wallet itself if it is accidentally found? There is simply no way to return it, since it is most likely a large metropolis. Regarding the wallet, there are no special signs, but it can be safely attributed to the general signs of “finds”. A person finds someone else's thing and in it, in any case, remains the energy of the owner, the former owner.

It is completely unknown what he was. Rich, poor, sick, healthy. Maybe happy, but maybe not. Herein lies the whole danger of the find. Psychics and other people with the gift of foresight do not advise bringing the finds to their home.

Can I carry my money in someone else's wallet?

Do not have one wallet with your husband, girlfriend, mom. Money should be kept in your own wallet. Otherwise, financial success is not worth the wait, according to psychics. For such a case, there is also a sign - everything will have to be divided in half.

Oddly enough, this rule affects not only financial matters, but also the personal life of a loved one, career. In general, nothing good will come of it.

And if the wallet is found?

How many accepts has a simple wallet. In fact, it is better to receive it as a gift than to buy . The color of the product itself must necessarily belong to the natural range of shades. It is impossible to allow devastation and at the same time to fill it with garbage (checks from stores, tickets). But what is still worth doing with the product that you just found? There are three general signs regarding the “dangerous find” that will definitely direct the true path:

  • all those who have found and also appropriated a wallet can get financial trouble;
  • crammed to the top with money, it looks even more appetizing, but that's just how, according to signs, sometimes sick people act, dreaming of getting rid of their ailment;
  • someone from the family unknowingly picked up a wallet and just brought it home. In this case, it is better to burn it away from people, and if there is money there, give it to any charity. In this case, he will not harm the family.

If you lost your wallet yourself?

Losing the same wallet itself does not bode well, although it is not so scary. There is a belief that simply losing an empty wallet means “earning” minor troubles. They will pass quickly and the owner usually will not notice this.

And if you lose a purse, which is crammed to the top with banknotes - this is to well-being. The most unpleasant thing is to drop it in the cemetery. Such a blunder threatens with very serious consequences - from a simple loss of money to complete poverty. It is better not to take handbags and personal items to such places with you.

So what to do if you find someone else's wallet on the street? Everything is very simple - move on . If you are superstitious, just forget about it. Well, if you do not believe in extrasensory perception, try to find the owner, you may be lucky, and he will thank you for that.