Batting or synthetic winterizer - which is better and warmer?

To create comfort and coziness it is important to choose a good quality heat-insulating material, which will be part of products or home textiles. Consider two options: traditional batting and a modern synthetic winterizer. To make the right choice for a particular case, consider their fundamental properties.

Pros and Cons of Batting

Batting is a non-woven material that has been in demand for quite some time in many fields and industries due to such operational qualities as reliability, practicality and low cost. Also, the advantages include environmental friendliness, good sound insulation and thermal insulation (equally effective in use at both high and low temperatures).

With all the advantages of batting, it has significant disadvantages:

  1. quite a lot of weight (average density varies from 200 to 400 grams per square meter);
  2. the ability to absorb water well, due to which the wet cotton layer will dry for a very long time;
  3. during use, the fibers can roll and have an uneven distribution;
  4. the use of natural wool can trigger the appearance of moths.

Properties of syntepon

Due to its low price, synthetic winterizer is an affordable non-woven synthetic insulation, which is a layer of polyester fibers connected to a uniform fabric in various ways (for example, thermal). The main advantages compared to batting are lightness, resilience, the ability to not absorb moisture and ease of care for products.

However, there are drawbacks: allergic reactions are possible with the adhesive method of manufacture (undesirable for children's products), during operation, the fibers can come out through the front of the fabric.

Important! Synthetic insulation is not suitable as insulation for workwear (when working with open flame, chemical elements).

History reference

The place where batting, originally consisting of cotton or wool, attached to a mesh cloth, was originally made in France. The main reason is the search for an alternative to expensive fur products. Warm and cheap batting quickly became popular among people with various incomes as laying for coats and jackets. Low cost due to the use of inexpensive raw materials. Over the centuries, production technology has remained virtually unchanged.

Which material is warmer

If we compare in terms of thermal insulation, batting will be preferable, since the synthetic winterizer retains heat much worse.

For sewing and warming which items batting is ideal

Due to the remarkable heat-insulating properties, this material is widely used in many economic and technical fields for the manufacture of:

  1. special clothes and accessories for outdoor activities (gloves, hats, pants, overalls, sleeping bags and much more);
  2. bedding for children and adults (mattresses and pillows);
  3. upholstery for furniture;
  4. all kinds of appliances in the household (kitchen gloves).

Reference! It is worth noting the popularity of the use of this insulation in the construction industry as a gasket for flooring, as well as wall insulation.

What are the most commonly used synthetic winterizer

This insulation has found its application in many areas:

  1. production of clothing, especially for the autumn-spring period;
  2. furniture direction (layer in sofas, armchairs);
  3. as a filler of pillows and blankets;
  4. for warming quilted winter shoes;
  5. as a filter material for ventilation and air conditioning.